Kontaktledning/Mastefundamenter, prefabrikkerte betongsøylefundamenter

1 Introduction

The purpose of this document is to describe technical requirements and requirements for mounting of concrete pile foundation for contact line mastss so that the product is manufactured, constructed, controlled and delivered according to Bane NOR's requirements.

Requirements given in this document shall be followed when purchasing concrete pile foundation for contact line masts.

2 Abbrevations and explanations

2.1 Explanations

Shall Mandatory requrement governed by legislation, not subjet to any changes.
Shall Mandatory requrement, not subjet to any changes.
Should Mandatory requrement, open to changes on request by supplier to customer.
Can Requirement that can be changed freely as long as supplier can verify that the altarnative requirement is as good as or better than the stated requirement.

2.2 Abbrevations

Abbrevation Description
IC Inter City
L Length
NS Norsk Standard
EN Euronorm
ISO International Organization for Standardization
NA National amendment

3 Scope

This specification deals with technical requirements for concrete pile foundations for contact line masts.

4 Function

The contact line masts are mounted on concrete pile foundations. The foundation's function is to give the mast a stable attachment point and to pick up acting forces (torque, shear force and normal force) from the contact line masts.

4.1 Interfaces

Foundations have an interface to:

  • footplate on mast
  • transition plate between mast and foundation
  • ground conditions (soil)

5 Reqirements

5.1 General

In this chapter, the foundation requirements are defined in three main parts:

  • General requirements for concrete pile foundation
  • Technical requirements for concrete pile foundation
  • Documentation / tests for concrete pile foundation

For further information and requirements, refer to the attached drawings.

If certain general and technical requirements or requirements for documentation and testing are highly expensive in relation to the supplier's assessment of the benefit of the application, we request special feedback on this at the time of procurement.

5.2 General requirements for concrete pile foundation

5.2.1 Design life

Pile foundations shall be produced for a minimum design life of 50 years. If additional measures beyond the specification are necessary to achieve the specified design life in the form of a change of concrete, reinforcement and bolt quality, as well as aggregate, this shall be stated and priced in the tender documents.

5.2.2 Temperature and humidity

Pile foundations shall meet all requirements within the temperature range -45 to +50 degrees (°C), be functional in the Norwegian outdoor environment and meet all requirements up to 100% relative humidity. The temperature range is derived on methode specified in the table NA.5.2 and isotermic charts figures NA.A1 and AN.A2 [EN 1991-1-5:2003+NA:2008].

5.2.3 Labelling

Foundations shall be labelled according to attached drawings.

5.2.4 Storage and transportation

In case of transport/storage of pile foundations, the supplier shall describe the transport position and handling so that no damage to the foundations occurs.

5.2.5 Recycling and destruction of foundation

The supplier shall state if there are environmentally harmful materials/substances in the product and, if so, how to handle them.

5.3 Technical requirements for concrete pile foundations

5.3.1 Construction

Foundations shall be manufactured according to the attached drawings.

5.3.2 Electrical requirements

The foundations shall act as an 🔗 earth electrode. The foundations shall therefore have good electrical connection between all conductive components/reinforcing bars. Note that there shall be a concrete cover for all parts in earth as defined in the attached drawings.

5.3.3 Corrosion

The chosen materials should be resistant to corrosion. Mechanical characteristics of foundation bolts shall be in accordance with NS-EN ISO 898-1 or made of hot-rolled steel in accordance with NS-EN 10025-2 to NS-EN 10025-4. Foundation bolts shall be galvanized and chromatized. The supplier shall consider whether corrosion protection beyond this is necessary. If additional protection against corrosion is required to achieve the specified design life in the form of a change of concrete, reinforcement and bolt quality, as well as aggregates, this must be stated and priced in the tender. There should be no chemical reaction between concrete and foundation bolts.

5.3.4 Material and mechanical description of concrete General

Before the work begins, it shall be documented that the materials and the selected material composition will provide a concrete that meets the requirements set in this document and the attached drawings.

If the concrete quality defined in the attached drawings is insufficient to meet Bane NOR's requirements for the foundations, the supplier shall come up with a proposal for a solution and this shall be stated and priced in the tender documents. Compressive strength

The concrete shall have a characteristic compressive strength not lower than that specified in the table NA.2, [NS-EN 206 2013+A1:2016+NA:2017] Exposure class and stability requirements

In addition to mechanical stress, foundations are exposed to environmental stresses. In order to ensure durability and design life, the correct exposure class shall be chosen. Definition of exposure class ref. table NA1, [NS-EN 206 2013+A1:2016+NA:2017]. For the selection of the correct resistance class ref. table NA. 15, [NS-EN 206 2013+A1:2016+NA:2017]. Waterproof/Frost-proof concrete

All foundations shall be frost proof and waterproof. Air content and binder shall be according to the table NA.12, [NS-EN 206 2013+A1:2016+NA:2017] for all foundations.

5.3.5 Reinforcement supports, spacer and mounting rods

In case of use of reinforcement supports, spacers and mounting rods, the minimum cover requirement shall be observed. Ensure that the use of reinforcement supports, spacers and mounting rods does not affect the end product in any way. Standard requirements for using these shall be followed.

5.3.6 Reinforcement

The reinforcement shall be supported, bonded and fastened so that it is stable and has proper coverage. It should not be displaced due to the load of self-weighing, casting equipment or casting pressure. Tolerances

Permissible deviations and tolerances for each single component shall be within the limits specified in the attached drawings. Welding

When welding reinforcement, requirements given in NS-EN ISO 17660-1 shall be followed. Corrosion protection

In accordance with the drawing, the foundation bolts should be galvanized/hot-dip galvanized according to [NS-EN ISO 1461], and chromatized. The zinc that is added to the bath should have a purity of at least 98%. Correct zinc thickness shall be applied in order to achieve the stated design life.

5.3.7 Comment on the production of the foundations

  • The bolts should be placed with template and checked after finished cast/vibration.
  • Sharp edges and any imperfections, cement sludge, lime deposits, etc. shall be removed.
  • The foundation is to be brushed on the top of the column and one meter down the column.

5.3.8 Inspection class

Control shall be performed as "Performance Class 2" according to the table NA.3 [NS-EN 13670:2009/NA:2010].

5.4 Documentation/testing for the foundations

5.4.1 Documentation

Required documentation of production/structure and delivery volume shall be stored and filed by the supplier systematically to ensure traceability of components and associated documents.

The supplier shall keep the documentation in a suitable place for 10 years. The documentation shall be available to Bane NOR on request.

5.4.2 Material certificate

Materials should meet the requirements indicated on drawings. Examples of material certificates that will be prepared for a possible delivery shall be included in the tender documents.

5.4.3 Tests/control

The supplier shall prepare proposals for a test procedure to be delivered together with the tender documents. The control frequency and test/control range shall be performed according to Table NA.3 [NS-EN 13670: 2009 / NA: 2010] for "Performance Class 2".

Control of thickness of the zinc coating on the foundation bolts shall be carried out in accordance with. [NS-EN ISO 1461].

Template for routine/final control protocol shall be prepared by the supplier and sent to Bane NOR for approval before production start.

5.4.4 Documents

The following documents shall be stored at the supplier and delivered to Bane NOR's request:

  • Traceability Protocol
  • Material Certificates

The following documentation shall be included in the tender documents:

  • Copy of supplier's quality manual and quality plan
  • Procedure for routine test/final check
  • Template/example for routine test/end control protocol
  • Examples of material certificates
  • Suggestions for maintenance instructions for site-based foundations (the description must be in Norwegian. English can be accepted)
  • Copy of checklist, clause 🔗 Checklist components. In completed condition
  • Copy of other documents required by this technical specification

If there are other relevant samples, standards or instructions etc. used but which is not mentioned in the specification, it shall be pointed out by the supplier.

6 Attachments

6.1 Approved drawings

EH-800091-000 Kontaktledningsanlegg. Prefabrikkert betongsøylefundament for kontaktledningsmast.

Diameter ø555 mm med avstand r fra senter fundamenttopp til senter fundamentbolt lik 210 mm.

7 Reference documents

[NS-EN ISO 1461] Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles Specifications and test methods
[NS-EN 206] Concrete: Specification, performance, production and conformity
[NS-EN 13670] Execution of concrete structures
[NS-EN 1991-1-5] Actions on structures. General actions. Thermal actions
[NS-EN 1992-1-1] Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for buildings
[NS-EN 10025] Hot rolled products of structural steels
[NS-EN 10204] Metallic products – Types of inspection documents
[NS-EN ISO 17660-1] Welding of reinforcing Steel-Part 1: Load-bearing welded joints

Reference is also made to standards referred to in the attached drawings.

8 Checklist components

Requirements description Fulfilled Suppliers reference Suppliers comments
Quality system
Design life
Temperature and moisture
Storage and transportation
Recycling and detruction of foundation
Electrical requirements
Material and mechanical description
Compressive strength
Exposure class and stability requirements
Waterproof/Frost-proof concrete
Reinforcement supports, spacer and mounting rods
Comment on the production of the foundation
Inspection classs
Documentation/testing for the foundation
Material sertificate

9 Scope of delivery

9.1 Approved components

No. F.no. Description Drawing no.
Prefabrikkert betongsøylefundament Ø555 mm for kontaktledningsmast EH-800091-000
1 L=2000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
2 L=2500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
3 L=3000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
4 L=3500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
5 L=4000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm

NB! Other lengths L can be agreed between costumer and supplier, formula to be follwed are:

  • L=X [mm] + protruding distance 200-700 [mm]

9.2 Phased out components (approved for use but not in new installation)

No. F.no. Description Drawing no.
Prefabrikkert betongsøylefundament Ø355 mm for kontaktledningsmast EH-707523-000
6 L=2000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
7 L=2500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
8 L=3000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
9 L=3500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
10 L=4000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
Prefabrikkert betongsøylefundament Ø555 mm for kontaktledningsmast EH-707524-000
11 L=2000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
12 L=2500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
13 L=3000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
14 L=3500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
15 L=4000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm

9.3 Report of tests

Look at section 🔗 Documentation

9.4 Documentation

9.4.1 Documents

See Technical specification clause 🔗 Documentation/testing for the foundations.

The following documents shall follow each delivery:

  • Routine test-/final inspection protocol

10 Disclaimer by supplier

10.1 Checklist approved components

No. F.no. Description Drawing no. Fulfilled Yes/No Suppliers comments
Prefabrikkert betongsøylefundament Ø555 mm for kontaktledningsmast EH-800091-000
1 L=2000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
2 L=2500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
3 L=3000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
4 L=3500 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
5 L=4000 mm + protruding distance 200-700 mm
X NB! Other lengths L can be agreed between costumer and supplier, formula to be follwed are:
  • L=X [mm] + protruding distance 200-700 [mm]

10.2 Report of tests

🔗 Go to the clause Tests/control

10.3 Documentation

🔗 Go to the clause Documents