Kontaktledning/Rør av stål


These specifications apply to the production and delivery of steel tubes for overhead contact line systems to Bane NOR SF (hereinafter referred to as BN in this document) in connection with the conclusions of one or more framework agreement(s). Scope of delivery is defined in this documents 🔗 Appendix.

Requirements given in this document must be followed when purchasing «steel tubes» for overhead contact line systems belonging to BN.


In this chapter the requirements to the relevant components are defined in three main sections:

  • General requirements
  • Technical requirements
  • Requirements to documentation/tests

If some of the general and technical requirements or requirements for documentation and testing is increase the costs compared with the tenders evaluation/assessment of the requirements utility, we request special response on this in accordance with the tender documentation.

2.1 General requirements

2.1.1 Drawings

BN owns the rights to all attached drawings.

2.1.2 Corrosion

  1. The materials selected shall be resistant to corrosion.
  2. Steel parts shall be protected by hot-dip galvanizing.
  3. The supplier shall assess whether corrosion protection beyond this is necessary.
  4. If additional protection against corrosion is required to achieve the specified service life, this shall be stated and priced in the offer.

2.1.3 Metal coating / surface finish

  1. According to the drawing, steel components shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with [NS-EN ISO 1461].
  2. The zinc to be added to the bath shall have a purity of at least 98% zinc.

2.1.4 Protection of product assembly workers

There should be no sharp edges, etc. that could cause injury to the product assembly workers.

2.1.5 Labelling

Each of components shall be labelled with the date of manufacture, type of material, the manufacturer's company name and catalog number, easily visible and of such a quality that the labelling does not disappear or weaken the construction. Equal components with different dimensions must be clearly labeled. The supplier can alternatively come up with proposals for labelling components.

2.1.6 Tolerances

Permissible deviation, the tolerance, for each individual component shall be within the limit stated in the component's associated drawings. If deviations / tolerances are not stated on the drawing, requirements in associated national or international standards shall be used.

2.1.7 Storage and transport

The supplier shall pack the components in such a way that no damage to the components shall occur during handling and transportation.

2.1.8 Recycling and destruction of components

  1. The supplier shall state in the tender whether there are environmentally hazardous materials / substances in the products, and if so, how these are to be handled both during use and upon disposal.
  2. The supplier shall check the raw material / product against radioactive particles and radiation. The amount of radioactivity and cadmium must be within the limits permitted by national and international standards and legislation.

2.2 Technical requirements

2.2.1 Materials

  1. Materials of steel and aluminum shall meet the requirements specified in the drawings. Each of the extruded materials shall be documented with a material certificate type 3.1.B in accordance with [NS-EN 10204] together with a copy of the certificate for the starting material. The certificate must contain information about:
    • Manufacturer
    • Chemical composition
    • Results of tests
    • Heat treatment
  2. For steel, the following additional requirements shall be met:
    • The carbon equivalent (CEV) shall meet the requirement in table 4 in [EN 10025]
    • The steel shall be fully sealed
    • The material shall be suitable for hot-dip galvanizing.

2.2.2 Construction

The components shall be made in accordance with the enclosed drawings.

For more information, refer to the attached drawings.

2.3 Documentation / Tests

2.3.1 Documentation

  1. Documentation shall be stored and archived by the supplier in a systematic manner so that traceability between components and associated documents is ensured.
  2. The supplier shall keep documents in a suitable place for ten years. The documents should be available to BN on request.
  3. Documents to be used in connection with BN's performance of work shall be in Norwegian. English can be accepted in special cases.

2.3.2 Documentation for manufacturing quality control

In connection with the manufacture of components, the supplier shall follow a quality plan that describes the main activities in connection with the manufacture, including the supplier's proposed tests. The quality plan shall provide reference to specifications and standards.

2.3.3 Testes

  1. The supplier shall prepare proposals for test procedures that are delivered together with the tender. Each procedure shall describe the test method, execution, acceptance criteria and scope and shall provide reference to recognized national or international standards.
  2. Destructive tests shall be performed for certain components. Proposals for destructive tests must be submitted by tender.
  3. Tests shall be performed in accordance with Norwegian or international standards where they exists. Standards used must be stated when submitting a tender.
  4. The test procedures shall be divided into three levels:
    • Type test (to be conducted before delivery starts)
    • Random test
    • Routine test
  5. «Control of vital measures» and «VZ μ-thickness control» of hot-dip galvanized components and material tests shall be performed on a random basis. «VZ μ-thickness control» of hot-dip galvanized components shall be carried out in accordance with [NS- EN ISO 1461].

2.3.4 Documents The following documents shall be kept with the supplier and delivered at BN's request:

  1. Random sample-based test protocols
  2. Traceability protocol
  3. Material certificates The following documents shall be included in the offer:

  1. Copy of the supplier's quality manual and quality plan
  2. Copy of examples of material certificate(s)
  3. Copy of examples of type test certificate(s)
  4. Copy of procedures for routine test / final control protocol
  5. Suggested maintenance instructions if applicable. The description shall be in Norwegian. English can be accepted in special cases
  6. Copy of checklist, 🔗 Checklist in completed condition
  7. Copy of proposal for final inspection protocol / form
  8. Copy of other documents required in this specification

The template for the final inspection protocol must be prepared by the supplier and sent to BN for approval prior to production start.

If there are other relevant tests, standards or instructions etc. that are to be used, and which are not mentioned in the specification, this shall be pointed out by the supplier. The following documents shall accompany each delivery:

  • Routine test / final control protocol (final control form)


Standard Specifications
NS- EN ISO 1461 Varmforsinkede belegg på produkter av jern og stål, spesifikasjoner og prøvingsmetoder(ISO 1461:1999)
EN 10025 Varmvalsede produkter av konstruksjonsstål
NS-EN ISO 12006-3 Building construction - Organization of information about construction works - Part 3: Framework for object-oriented
NS-EN ISO 16739 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing in the construction and facility management industries
NS-EN ISO 29481-2 Building information models - Information delivery manual - Part 2: Interaction framework

Reference(s) is made in addition to the standards mentioned in the attached drawings.


4.1 Remarks to the scope of delivery

The drawings listed in the scope of delivery include parts that are mandatory in BN's modern overhead contact line systems as well as parts in older overhead contact line systems that are ordered on demand. Some of these parts may also be supplier dependent and as such deviate from the attached drawing(s). Hence the scope of delivery is marked as follows:

M = Mandatory
R = On requirement
* = Supplier dependent

This marking can occur either solely or in combination.

One or more of the drawings referred to here, in the technical specification and scope of delivery for «Processed steel and aluminum parts» are supplier dependent, other suppliers can offer their own products that have similar function, performance, construction and service life. Such products shall be approved specifically by BN. In connection with the introduction of new components, where there are no satisfactory production drawings, the supplier shall send a technical documentation of the component for approval. Documentation for approval shall include drawing in file format (pdf.files) and/or open data models (IFC.files), technical data, test reports, etc. Open data models shall be in accordance with the standards [NS-EN ISO 12006-3], [NS-EN ISO 16739] and [NS-EN ISO 29481-2]. Some components shall undergo a test period before final approval is given. Test procedures and requirements for results are determined by BN.

4.2 Scope of delivery

1. R EH-707099-001 Normalutligger. System 35
2. R EH-707099-002 Utligger for kurver R<700
3. R EH-707099-003 Broutligger
4. R EH-707099-004 Broutligger
5. R EH-707099-005 Utligger for liten systemhøyde


  1. The supplier shall develop a checklist for compliance of the requirements described in this technical specification.
  2. This checklist shall contain a declaration of compliance or non-compliance of each requirement.
  3. If the requirement is non-compliant, it shall be described why the requirement is non-compliant and an explanation of what the supplier recommend for a sufficient requirement to comply the component's function.