
1 Scope

This specification applies to delivery of modular level crossing surface panel systems.

The level crossing structure shall consist of internal panels to span between the rails of an individual track and external panels outside each rail together with neccesary support and fastening elements.

2 Design requirements

2.1 Design road traffic loads

This specification applies to 4 different level crossing classes depending on the road traffic type:

  • level crossings for freight terminals
  • level crossings for normal traffic
  • level crossings for light traffic
  • pedestrian level crossings

2.1.1 Level crossings for freigth terminals

Level crossings for freight terminals shall be designed to carry min 1250 kN axle load.

2.1.2 Level crossings for normal traffic

Level crossings for normal traffic shall be designed for minimum road traffic loads according to Tabell 1 and a mean daily traffic volum of 6000 vehichles:

Tabell 1: Design loads normal traffic
Axle configuration Axle distance [mm] Minimum design load, all axles [kN]
single axle - 115
dual axle bogie 1300 - 1790 180
1200 - 1290 160
800 - 1190 150
triple axle bogie 1300 - 1790 240
1000 - 1290 220
< 1000 160

2.1.3 Level crossings for light traffic

Level crossings for light traffic shall be designed for minimum road traffic loads according to Tabell 2 and a mean daily traffic volum of 500 vehichles::

Tabell 2: Design loads light traffic
Axle configuration Axle distance [mm] Minimum design load, all axles [kN]
single axle - 60
dual axle bogie 1200 - 1790 90
800 - 1190 85
triple axle bogie 1000 - 1790 120
< 1000 90

2.1.4 Pedestrian level crossings

  • Pedestrian level crossings shall be designed to carry load from pedestrians, bicycles and hand held trolleys.
  • Pedestrian level crossings shall be designed to carry load from snow removal vehicles with an axle load of 30kN

2.2 Environmental conditions

  • The level crossing panels, support and fastening elements shall be designed to operate in ambient temperatures between - 40 0C and + 40 0C.
  • The level crossing panels, support and fastening elements shall be designed to withstand snow and ice removal operations.
  • Any metal parts in the level crossing system shall be protected against corrosion where presence of salt from the road traffic in winter conditions are taken into account.

2.3 Track construction

2.3.1 Track systems

Level crossing systems shall be designed to accommodate the following track systems:

  • 60E1 rails on JBV 60 concrete sleepers in ballasted track with 60 cm (c-c) sleeper distance. Pandrol FC or FE fastening system
  • 54E3 rails on JBV 54 concrete sleepers in ballasted track with 60 cm (c-c) sleeper distance. Pandrol FC, FE or e-clip fastening system
  • 49E1 rails on JBV 54 concrete sleepers in ballasted track with 60 cm (c-c) sleeper distance. Pandrol FC, FE, e-clip or PR-clip fastening system
  • 54E3 rails on Type_X wooden sleepers in ballasted track with 52 cm (c-c) sleeper distance. Pandrol e-clip or Hey-Back fastening system
  • 49E1 rails on Type_X wooden sleepers in ballasted track with 60 - 65 cm (c-c) sleeper distance. Pandrol e-clip or Hey-Back fastening system

2.3.2 Nominal track gauge

The level crossing system shall be designed to a nominal track gauge of 1435 mm.

2.3.3 Flangeways

  • Level crossings shall be designed to provide a clearance to the running rail for train wheel flanges.
  • Level crossings shall have a horizontal flangeway clearance in the range of 60 - 75 mm.
  • The depth of the flangeway clearance shall be minimum 40 mm.
  • Pedestrian level crossings shall be fitted with a flexible flangeway gap filler for closing the flangeway gap. The flangeway gap filler shall be designed to be depressed by passing train wheels.

2.4 Permissible train speed

The level crossing systems shall be designed to withstand the following minimum speed of passing trains.

  • Level crossings for freight terminals: 40 km/h
  • Level crossings for normal traffic: 160 km/h
  • Level crossings for light traffic: 160 km/h
  • Pedestrian level crossings: 120 km/h 1)

1) Provided maximum reaction force 10 kN at temperature -20 °C

2.5 Crossing surface

  • The level crossing surface shall be level with the rail top surface and plane between the two rails.
  • For multiple tracks, the level crossing surface shall be plane between each adjacent pair of rails.
  • The crossing surface shall be stable under acceleration, braking and turning forces from vehichles with loads corresponding to Design road traffic loads without undue vertical displacement or horizontal movement.
  • The crossing surface shall be stable and not move under influence of vibration and aerodynamic forces from trains passing at speeds given in Permissible train speed
  • Level crossings panels shall have a skid resistant surface with a minimum SRT value = 50 according to EN 13036-4

2.6 Drainage

  • The crossing surface shall be designed to prevent the formation of standing water.
  • The level crossing system shall be designed to allow for efficient water drainage to minimise fouling of the track bed with debris.

2.7 Maintanability

  • The level crossing structure shall be designed so that it can be removed, and reinstalled or replaced, either for replacement purposes or to gain access to the track for maintenance or inspection without damage to the component parts of the level crossing structure.
  • The level crossing panels shall be designed to enable easy and secure attachement of manual and mechanical lifting equipment for easy installation and removal of panels.

2.8 Electrical requirements

The level crossing system shall provide for a minimum rail to rail electrical insulation of 5 kΩ when measured in accordance with EN 13146-5

2.9 Panel dimensions

2.9.1 Level crossings systems for freight terminals, normal and light traffic

  • The length of the inner panels shall be 600 or 1200 mm
  • The width of the inner panels shall correspond with the Horizontal flangeway clearance and a track gauge 1435 mm.
  • The lenght of the outer panels shall be 600 or 1200 mm
  • The width of the outer panels for 60E1 rail systems shall be sufficient to cover the length of the JBV 60 sleeper.
  • The width of the outer panels for 54E3 and 49E1 rail systems shall be sufficient to cover the length of the JBV 54 sleeper.

2.9.2 Pedestrian Level crossings

  • The length of the inner panels shall be maximum 1200 mm
  • The width of the inner panels shall correspond with the Horizontal flangeway clearance and a track gauge 1435 mm.
  • The lenght of the outer panels shall be maximum 1200 mm
  • The width of the outer panels for 60E1 rail systems shall be sufficient to cover the length of the JBV 60 sleeper.
  • The width of the outer panels for 54E3 and 49E1 rail systems shall be sufficient to cover the length of the JBV 54 sleeper.

3 Durability

  • The level crossing elements and system shall have a design life of at least 15 years when Design road traffic loads are taken into account.

4 Documentation

4.1 Drawings

The supplier must prepare drawings for the level crossing elements and assembly documents and drawings for the level crossing system.

All drawings must be supplied in both of the following electronic formats:

  • dwg (Autocad)
  • pdf

4.2 Parts lists

The supplier must prepare a comprehensive parts list for the level crossing system. Parts lists must be supplied in Open Document Format (ODF).

5 Reference documents

EN 13036-4 Road and airfield surface characteristics – Test methods – Part 4: Method for measurement of slip/skid resistance of a surface: The pendulum test
EN 13146-5 Railway applications – Track – Test methods for fastening systems – Part 5: Determination of electrical resistance

6 Compliance list

7 Change log