Kontaktledning/Prosjektering og Bygging/Generelle tekniske krav/Vedlegg/Relevante lover, forskrifter, normer og standarder
Fra Teknisk regelverk utgitt 8. oktober 2024
< Kontaktledning | Prosjektering og Bygging | Generelle tekniske kravDette er den godkjente sideversjonen av denne siden, samt den nyeste.
Relevante lover og forskrifter
Forskrift | Tittel |
ERA/GUI/07-2011/INT | 🔗 Veileder for anvendelse av TSI ENE/Guide for the application of the ENE TSI |
Forskrift | Tittel |
FEF 2006 | 🔗 Forskrift om elektriske forsyningsanlegg med veiledning |
FSE | 🔗 Forskrift om sikkerhet ved arbeid i og drift av elektriske anlegg med veiledning |
Relevante standarder
Standard | Tittel |
NS 1403 | Tekniske tegninger - Bokstaver og tall |
NS 2400 | Tekniske tegninger - Byggetegninger - Formater og fortrykk på tegneark |
NS 3400 | Regler for anbudskonkurranser for bygg og anlegg |
NS 3403 | Alminnelige kontraktsbestemmelser om arkitekters og ingeniørers utførelse av prosjektering og rådgiving |
NS 3430 | Alminnelige kontraktsbestemmelser om utførelse av bygg- og anleggsarbeider |
Standard | Tittel |
NEK-IEC 38 | Spenningsverdier |
NEK 144 | Elektrotekniske skjemasymboler |
NEK 321 | Elektroteknisk dokumentasjon Del 1 |
NEK 322 | Elektroteknisk dokumentasjon Del 2 |
NEK 391 | Isolasjon av luftlinjer |
NEK 440 | Stasjonsanlegg over 1 kV |
NEK 445 | Luftledninger over 1 kV |
NEK 900 | Elektriske jernbaneanlegg |
Standard | Tittel |
IEC 1109 | Composite insulators for a.c. overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria |
IEC 60060-1 | High-voltage test techniques. Part 1: General definisjons and test requirements |
IEC 60060-2 | High-voltage test techniques. Part 2: Measuring Systems |
IEC 60071-1 | Insulation co-ordination. Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules |
IEC 60099-4 | Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems |
IEC 60129 | Alternating Current Disconnectors and Earthing Switches Third Edition |
IEC 60265-1 | High -Voltage Switches - Part 1: Switches for Rated Voltages Above 1 kV and Less Than 52 kV Third Edition |
IEC 60664-1 | Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems. Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests |
Standard | Tittel |
EN 15273-1 | Railway applications - Gauges - Part 1: Common rules for infrastructure and rolling stock |
EN 15273-3 | Railway applications - Gauges - Part 3: Structure gauges |
EN 50119 | Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction overhead contact lines |
EN 50122-1 | Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 1: Protective provisions against electric shock |
EN 50124-1 | Railway applications - Insulation coordination - Part 1: Basic requirements - Clearances and creepage distances for all electrical and electronic equipment |
EN 50125-2 | Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipmet - Part 2: Fixed electrical installations |
EN 50149 | Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Copper and copper alloy grooved contact wires |
EN 50152-1 | Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for alternating current switchgear - Part 1: Circuit-breakers with nominal voltage above 1 kV |
EN 50152-2 | Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for alternating current switchgear - Part 2: Disconnectors, earthing switches and switches with nominal voltage above 1 kV |
EN 50367 | Railway applications – Current collection systems – Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead line (to achieve free access) |
EN 50388-1 | Railway applications – Fixed installations and rolling stock – Technical criteria for the coordination between electric traction power supply systems and rolling stock to achieve interoperability - Part 1: General |
EN 50388-2 | Railway applications – Fixed installations and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the coordination between electric traction power supply systems and rolling stock to achieve interoperability. - Part 2: Stability and harmonics |
EN 62621 | Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - Specific requirements for composite insulators used for overhead contact line systems |
Standard | Tittel |
UIC - fiche 791 | Qualitatssicherung von Oberleitungsanlagen. (Kvalitetssikring av kontaktledningsanlegg) |
Standard | Tittel |
ISO 1461 | Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles - Specifications and test methods |
ISO 14713-1 | Zinc coatings - Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures - Part 1: General principles of design and corrosion resistance |
ISO 14713-2 | Zinc coatings — Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures — Part 2: Hot dip galvanizing |
ISO 14713-3 | Zinc coatings — Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures — Part 3: Sherardizing |
ISO 9224 | Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Guiding values for the corrosivity categories |