Rolling stock/Supplementary information and regulations
General documentation
The object of 590 ”Supplementary information and regulations” is to give a description of the infrastructure necessary for adequate use of rolling stock. It is primarily a descriptive document. However, the railway system is a combination of infrastructure, rolling stock and traffic control. In certain areas it is necessary to specify requirements for rolling stock and documentation in order to obtain interoperability between these subsystems. The primary users of the a the document are those who specify, design, construct, operate and maintain rolling stock.
What 590 “Supplementary information and regulations” contains
This document (590) is written as a supplement to (and should be read together with) the “Regulation 21 Jun 2012 no. 663 on requirements for rolling stock on the railway network” (jernbanekjøretøyforskriften), which are available on web site of the Norwegian Railway Authority (SJT):[1]. 590 has the same chapters as the appendix of jernbanekjøretøyforskriften and these chapters are the same as the parameter list in the commission decision of 30 Nov 2009 on the reference document referred to in Article 27(4) of Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (2009/965/EC).
Bane NOR has internal regulations for design, construction and maintenance of the railway network (500-series). 590 is mainly based on the other parts of the 500-series. However, it considers also the actual characteristics of the infrastructure, which is not in all cases complies with current regulations. The reason is that the infrastructure is developed over a long period of time and according to previous standards.
590 gives some references to the other 500-series, which is a comprehensive regulation. It is not expected that the users must have knowledge of all this. It is sufficient to refer to this document and the relevant references that are given here.
What this document does not contain
This document does not give a complete description of the requirements that apply to rolling stock that may be operated on the State Railways. In this connection reference is made to the “jernbanekjøretøyforskriften.
The document does not give a description of possible requirement for rolling stock related to the Traffic Regulations of the State Railways. In this respect reference is made to the “Regulation 29 Feb 2008 no. 240 on requirements traffic operation on the State Railways and connected private tracks” (Togframføringsforskriften). Those areas related to the traffic control system which is part of infrastructure and have to be technically compatible with rolling stock is described in this document (i.e. train radio, ATC and track circuits).
The Norwegian Railway Authority is responsible for approving use of rolling stock and this document does not describe necessary process and documentation for the application.
Network Statement
In some areas, reference is made to “Network Statement”. It is a document issued by Bane NOR. With reference to EU-Directive 2001/14 on “Allocation of Railway Infrastructure Capacity…”, paragraph 3, Infrastructure Manager shall issue a Statement of the capacity offered. The users of Network Statement are primarily Railway Undertakings (RU) who operate or plan to operate on the State Railway Network. In “Network Statement” chapter 3, there is a description of the infrastructure related to what is essential for planning and traffic operations. In areas where 590 “Supplementary information and regulations” and “Network Statement” have the same information, it is in this document referred to “Network Statement”. In particular, “Network Statement” contains more detailed information on characteristics of railway lines. “Network Statement” is issued each year in December and relates to the year after the first following. (NS 2010 was issued Dec 2008). Network statement is available here: [2]
Enquiries to Bane NOR
Bane NOR may carry out or give assistance to compatibility assessments or test runs necessary in order to apply for permission to use of rolling stock. Please observe that testruns normally must be prepared several weeks in andvance.
Enquiries may be directed in writing to: Bane NOR
Teknologi - Teknikk - Rullende materiell (ERR)
Postboks 4350
N – 2308 Hamar
or by use of email to:
Distribution and revision
The document is available on Bane NOR's web-site:
Electronic reading of the document provides the best functionality since all the references are linked. The electronic version is at all times considered the valid version. The document is normally revised annually.
References in this document are according to the structure shown below.
References in “Technical Regulations” | Refer to: |
Chap. 5 | This/Another chapter, this document |
Chap. 5 [JD 5xx] | This/Another chapter, another document |
Appendix 5.a | Appendix, This/Another chapter, this document |
Appendix 5.a [JD 5xx] | Appendix, This/Another chapter, another document |
General documentation
Maintenance instructions and requirements
Maintenance instructions
The maintenance design justification file
Instructions and documentation for operation
Instructions for operation in normal and degraded modes of the vehicle
Track-side tests of the complete vehicle
Structure and mechanical parts
Vehicle structure
Strength and integrity
Load capability
Load conditions and weighted mass
Axle load and wheel load
For axle load and wheel load, see Chapter 3.2.4 in this document. For axleloads and linear loads in relation to bridge load capacities see Chapter 3. Track interaction and gauging, Appendix 3.d: Axle loads and linear loads in relation to bridge load capacities
(Maximum acceptable axle load is dependent on speed and class of superstructure. Permitted speed and axle load versus classes of superstructure is given in Overbygning/Prosjektering/Generelle tekniske krav.
Lines of superstructure class b, with low traffic load, are under some circumstances permitted an axle load of 22,5 tons for freight trains with maximum speed of 60 km/h. The total traffic load is not to exceed 2 million gross tons (MGT). Out of this total, the maximum traffic load for freight train axle loads larger than 20,5 tons is 1 MGT.)
Permitted train weight per meter for bridges
Appendix 3.d: Axle loads and linear loads in relation to bridge load capacities specifies the maximum train weight per meter for each railway line. See also Chapter 3.2.4.
Joining technology
Lifting and jacking
Fixing of devices to car body structure
Connections used between different parts of the vehicle
Mechanical interfaces for end coupling or inner coupling
Automatic coupling
Characteristic of rescue coupling
Screw couplings
Buffing, inner coupling and draw gear Components and Buffer marking
Passive safety
Track interaction and gauging
Minimum infrastructure gauge
NNRA railway tracks are based on the following standard infrastructure gauges:
- A-85
- A-96
- A-96T
- A-C
Drawings with dimensions of the infrastructure gauges are shown in Underbygning/Prosjektering og bygging/Profiler og minste tverrsnitt, paragraph 2.1 and paragraph 2.2.
Curve overthrows
All horizontal dimensions are increased in circular curves, transition curves and on straight line in the vicinity of curves. The size of curve overthrows are based on a theoretical wagon of length 24 m and bogie pivot pitch distance 18 m.
Some locations have reduced space for curve overthrows based on the following theoretical wagons:
- Axle distance = 13,5 m and overhang = 2,0 m
- Axle distance = 10,0 m and overhang = 3,0 m
Lower limit of infrastructure gauge
The lower limit of infrastructure gauge is described in Underbygning/Prosjektering og bygging/Profiler og minste tverrsnitt. Confer paragraph Maximum height of check rail above rail head as well.
Track geometry
Horizontal curve radius
Minimum horizontal curve radius on the main track , excluding the Flåm Line, is 160 m. Minimum horizontal curve radius on the Flåm Line is 130 m. A diagram showing percentage of track versus curve radius is given in <xr id="fig:Track percentage versus curve radius" />.
Radius in deviations in switches, se Minimum curve radius at switches
<figure id="fig:Track percentage versus curve radius">
Nominal track gauge
Nominal track gauge is 1435 mm.
Minimum length of straight line between reverse curves
Buffer locking in subsequent reverse curves with small radius, is prevented with the specifications in Overbygning/Prosjektering/Sporets trasé
Nominal track geometry parameters
Overbygning/Prosjektering/Sporets trasé show nominal values of the following basic parameters:
- Maximum cant (superelevation)
- Maximum cant excess
- Maximum cant deficiency
- Maximum rate of change of cant
Minimum vertical curve radius
Minimum vertical curve radius is 1000 m.
Nominal rail inclination
Nominal rail inclination is 1:20.
Maximum track gradient
Maximum gradient of tracks excluding the Flåm Line is 2,7%. On the Flåm Line the maximum gradient is 5,5%.
Speed regimes
The following speed regimes are used:
Normal speed
Signed speed result in the following nominal quasi static centrifugal acceleration:
<figtable id = "tab:quasi static centrifugal acceleration with normal speed">
Superstructure class | Radius of curves [m] | aq [m/s2] |
b | 0,65 | |
c og d | R < 290 | 0,65 |
290 ≤ R ≤ 600 | 0,85 | |
R > 600 | 0,98 |
Confer Overbygning/Prosjektering/Sporets trasé, on further details.
Plus speed
Signed speed result in the following nominal quasi static centrifugal acceleration:
<figtable id = "tab:quasi static centrifugal acceleration with plus speed">
Superstructure class | aq [m/s2] |
b | 0,85 |
c og d | 1,05 |
Tilting trains - speed
Signed speed based on a maximum quasi static centrifugal acceleration of 1,6 m/s2.
Limits of discrete geometrical track defects
The limits of the following discrete track errors are shown in Overbygning/Vedlikehold/Sporjustering og stabilisering.
Quality number of track geometry
The track geometry is periodically monitored using a Track Recording Vehicle. The test frequency is dependent on the quality class of the track and is given in Overbygning/Vedlikehold, Appendix 4b . Based on these recordings the standard deviation and quality number of the track is calculated. Overbygning/Vedlikehold/Sporjustering og stabilisering define the limits of standard deviation and the quality number.
The standard deviation is as a rule calculated on the bases of 200 m or 1000 m length of line. Standard deviation is calculated for these lengths and with accuracy as shown in <xr id="tab:Calculation of standard deviation" />.
<figtable id = "tab:Calculation of standard deviation">
Parametres | Wavelength | Measuring accuracy | Basis of calculation |
Standard deviation of vertical alignment σH | 3 – 25 m | ±0,2 mm | 200 m |
25 – 70 m | ±0,5 mm | 1000 m | |
70 – 150 m | ±0,5 mm | 1500 m | |
Standard deviation of horisontal alignment σP | 3 – 25 m | ±0,2 mm | 200 m |
25 – 70 m | ±0,5 mm | 1000 m | |
70 – 150 m | ±0,5 mm | 1500 m | |
Standard deviation of superelevation σR | 3 – 25 m | ±0,2 mm | 200 m |
25 – 70 m | ±0,5 mm | 1000 m |
The quality number (K-number) indicates for which portion of a line all σ-values are within the limits. It is used to monitor track quality on longer sections of line. The K-number is calculated using the following formula:
Σl = the sum of all track lengths where standard deviation is within the quality limits.
L = the monitored track length.
Rail profile
The following rail profiles exist:
- 60E1 (UIC60)
- 54E3 (S54)
- 54E2 (UIC54E)
- 54E1 (UIC54
- 49E1 (S49)
- S64
- S41
- NSB40
- 35,7 kg
Overbygning/Prosjektering, Appendix 6.b, shows drawings of the rail profiles with dimensions.
<figure id="fig:Distribution of rail profiles – the complete network">
Limits of rail head wear
Limits of rail head wear is specified in Overbygning/Vedlikehold/Skinner.
Rail grades
- Standard rail grade is R260Mn [EN 13674-1]
In addition the following rail qualities exist [EN 13674-1]:
- R200
- R320Cr
- R350HT
Switches and crossings
Minimum curve radius at switches
Minimum curve radius in deviation in switches is 135 m.
Minimum flangeway width
Minimum nominal flangeway width in crossings and between check rail/rail is 38 mm.
Maximum height of check rail above rail head
- Normal nominal height of check rail above rail head is 20 mm.
- Maximum nominal height of check rail above rail head is 60 mm.
- Considering maximum rail wear, the height of check rail above rail head can be up to maximum 70 mm.
Fixed nose protection
Nominal distance between the guiding edges of the check rail and the running edge of the nose is 1396 mm. Minimum in service distance between the guiding edges of the check rail and the running edge of the nose is 1392 mm.
Minimum permitted distance stock rail – remote laid switch blade
Minimum permitted distance between stock rail and remote laid switch blade is 58 mm.
Longitudinal creep resistance of the track
The longitudinal creep resistance of the track is dependent on the track construction and the ballast consolidation. The following general values may be specified for a non-loaded track.
<figtable id = "tab:General values of creep resistance">
Concrete sleepers with spring loaded clips | 8 - 12 kN/m rail |
Wooden sleepers with spring loaded clips | 6 - 10 kN/m rail |
Newly adjusted track | 3 - 7 kN/m rail |
Generally, the track has sufficient resistance against braking- and acceleration forces if the acceleration/retardation does not exceed 2,5 m/s2. At very high axle loads (>25t) and train weights, analysis must be carried out proving that braking- and acceleration forces do not result in rail movements which reduce the safety against lateral movements of the track.
The track’s ability to resist braking forces is based on traditional braking of wheels. Magnetic rail brake shall only be used as an emergency brake.
Lateral resistance of the track - loaded track
Lateral resistance of loaded track satisfy generally the following values:
- Locomotives, train sets and passenger wagons: 1,0x(10 + P/3) [kN]
- Freight wagons: 0,85x(10 + P/3) [kN]
On some sections of line where the track lacks lateral resistance due to missing ballast shoulder. The following applies:
- For locomotives, train sets and wagons: 0,85x(10 + P/3) [kN]
P= Vertical static axle load
- Appendix 3.b: Illustration of the wheelset parametres
- Appendix 3.c: Recommended specification for flange-lubrication systems.
- Appendix 3.d: Axle loads and linear loads in relation to bridge load capacities
- Appendix 3.e: Wheel diameter in relation to axle load
Vehicle gauge
Vehicle gauge for general use NO1 (see Network statement, appendix,[3] Bane NOR NO1 - prEN 15273 Dynamic Gauge). For other extended vehicle gauges (may be used on parts of the network) see Network statement, appendix[4] International Loading Gauge and appendix[5] Multipurpose Wagon Gauge.
For exeptional transport (spesialtransport) outside predefined gauges, see Network statement, Chapter 4.7.1.[6]
Vehicle dynamics
Running safety and dynamics
Relevant limit values related to the tracks characteristics, see Chapter 3. Track interaction and gauging of this document.
Equivalent conicity
Rail profiles used on Norwegian network: Bok 530 Overbygning/Prosjektering/Sporkonstruksjoner/Vedlegg/Skinneprofiler
Wheel profile and limits
Track loading compatibility parameters
Maximum acceptable dynamic wheel load
The maximum vertical dynamic wheel load shall not exceed:
- Qlim= 90+Q0 [kN]
In addition, the following restrictions apply:
<figtable id = "tab:Vertical dynamic wheel load depending on the permissible maximum speed of the vehicle ">
Axle load - 2Q0 (kN) | Speed (km/h) | maximum dynamic wheel load (kN) |
2Q0 ≤ 225 | ≤ 160 | 200 |
161 - 200 | 190 | |
201 - 250 | 180 | |
251 - 300 | 170 | |
> 300 | 160 | |
2Q0 > 225 | ≤ 100 | 210 |
Locomotives on "Ofotbanen" 2Q0 = 300 |
≤ 60 | 220 |
Qlim = maximum allowed dynamic vertical wheel load.
Q0 = Static vertical wheel load.
Definitions and test conditions are given in [UIC 518]
Maximum quasistatic wheel forces
The maximum quasistatic wheel forces in curves shall not exceed the following values:
- (Qqst)lim = 145 kN for axle load ≤ 225 kN
- (Qqst)lim = 155 kN for axle load > 225 kN
- (Qqst)lim = 160 kN for locomotives on the "Ofotbanen" with axle load = 300 kN
Qqst = quasi-static vertical force
Definitions and test conditions are given in [UIC 518]
Maximimum quasistatic guiding force
The maximum quasistatic guiding forces in curves shall not exceed the following values:
- (Yqst)lim = 30 + (10500/Rm) kN for axle load ≤ 225 kN
- (Yqst)lim = 70 kN for axle load > 225 kN
- (Yqst)lim = 80 kN for for locomotives on the "Ofotbanen" with axle load = 300 kN
Yqst = quasi-static lateral force
Rm = mean radius of the track sections retained for the evaluation.
Definitions and test conditions are given in [UIC 518]
Maximum quasistatic track loading forces
The maximum quasistatic track loading forces in small curves shall not exceed the following values:
(Bqst)lim = 180 kN
(Bqst)lim = Yqst + 0,83 • Qqst + [a – (30 + 10500/Rm)]
a = 53,3 for curves with radius 400 m < r ≤ 600 m
a = 67,5 for curves with radius r ≤ 400 m
Bqst = quasistatic track loading force
Qqst = quasistatic wheel force
Yqst = quasistatic guiding force
Rm = mean radius of the track sections retained for the evaluation
Definitions and test conditions are given in [UIC 518]
Minimum horizontal curve radius, vertical concave curve radius, convex curve radius
Are to be found here [7]
Bogies/running gear
Wheel set (axle + wheels)
Maximum cavity of wheel tread
Double flange (“falsk flens” in <xr id="fig:Maximum permitted value of wheel thread cavity" />) resulting from wheel tread cavity (“hulløp”) may cause:
- excessive stress on a reduced contact surface between wheel and rail at the inner edge of the rail head
- the switches to absorb forces from the wheels where they are not supposed to do so and thus create risk of cracks or other kind of damage to the rails or switches.
Because of this the size of wheel cavity must be limited to maximum 2 mm. (Confer <xr id="fig:Maximum permitted value of wheel thread cavity" />).
<figure id="fig:Maximum permitted value of wheel thread cavity">
Maximum axle load dependent of wheel size.
In order to reduce damages by rolling contact fatigue on the rails, the wheels shall have a minimum diameter in accordance with appendix 3.e.
Wheel/rail interface (including wheel flange lubrication and sanding)
Bane NOR does not have lubrication equipment mounted on the track (there are some exceptions). It is assumed that the rolling stock lubricates the points of contact between the rail edge and the wheel flange in curves. The equipment shall produce a controlled and smooth lubrication film. Recommended guidelines for the lubrication equipment of rolling stock are given in appendix 3c.
Unless otherwise agreed with Bane NOR, each train shall lubricate sufficiently to compensate for its own wear of the lubrication film. Necessary amount of lubrication as specified in the <xr id="tab:Necessary amount of lubrication" /> shall be applied as indicated in <xr id="fig:Illustration of where lubrication of flange shall be applied" />.
<figtable id = "tab:Necessary amount of lubrication">
Axles total in train / lubricated axles | Type of train | cm3 per km |
12/1 | Multiple units –suburban traffic | 0,150 |
16/1 | Multiple units - long distance traffic | 0,300 |
31/1 | Passenger trains with locomotive | 0,400 |
70/1 | Freight trains with locomotive | 0,600 |
<figure id="fig:Illustration of where lubrication of flange shall be applied">
<xr id="tab:Necessary amount of lubrication" /> and <xr id="fig:Illustration of where lubrication of flange shall be applied" /> are extracts from the report ”Skinnesmøring og flenssmøring på det statlige jernbanenett” (Lubrication of rail and wheel flange). The report was prepared in cooperation with the Norwegian railway undertakings in 2004.
Specified amount of lubrication is derived from previous experience, but with correction in order to assure that every train lubricates sufficiently to compensate for its own wear of the film of lubrication on the rail.
Sanding system
Bearings on the wheel set
Axel shaft
Axel bearing condition monitoring
Limit of maximum longitudinal positive and negative acceleration
Functional requirements for braking at train level
For allowed train speed dependant on available stopping distances and line gradient in infrastructure are given in: Bane NOR document Strekningsbeskrivelse, Chapter 2.19 (Norwegian only).
Safety requirements for braking at train level
Reliability of main brake system functionality
Reliability of traction / braking interlocking
Reliability of stopping distance
Reliability of parking brake
Brake system
Brake command
Emergency braking command
Service braking command
Direct braking command
Dynamic braking command
Parking braking command
Brake performance
Emergency braking performance
Service braking performance
Parking brake performance
Brake performance calculation
Braking adhesion management
Limit of wheel rail adhesion profile
Wheel slide protection system
Braking force production
Friction brake components
Brake blocks
Brake discs
Brake pads
Dynamic brake linked to traction
Magnetic track brake
Eddy current track brake
Bane NOR's infrastructure is not designed/built in such a way that eddy current brakes can be used. See also TRV:02531.
Parking brake
Brake state and fault indication
Brake requirements for rescue purposes
Length of platforms
The normal length of platforms is specified in Overbygning/Prosjektering/Plattformer og spor på stasjoner.
Height of platforms
- Normal platform height is 550 mm or 760 mm. (measured perpendicularly on the track plane)
- Some platforms are built at a height of 350 mm.
- Some platforms are built at a height of 700mm.
Distance platform edge – centre of track
- For platforms on a straight line, the distance between the platform edge and track centre is 1680 mm.
- For platforms in curves, the distance is calculated in accordance with rules specified in Overbygning/Plattformer og spor på stasjoner, appendix 14.a.
Width of platform
Overbygning/Prosjektering/Plattformer og spor på stasjoner specifies the requirements of platform width.
The gradient of the track along the platform
New tracks along platforms are normally not constructed with greater gradients than 0.5%. However, there are exceptions on existing tracks.
Minimum distance platform edge – continues obstruction on the platform
Continuous obstructions on platforms are generally not located closer than 2 m from the platform edge.
Exterior doors
Boarding aids
Interior doors
Intercirculation doors
Floor height changes
Interior lighting
Seats and specific PRM arrangements
Heating, ventilation and air condition systems
Passenger information
Public address system
Signs and information
Environmental conditions and aerodynamic effects
Norwegian topography and climate pose great challenges for railway operations. This will be clear from the text below. It should be noted that several of the long distance railway lines are exposed to varied climatic conditions since they go from regions of typical coastal climate, further through narrow valleys towards high mountain areas and further through valleys ending in regions of somewhat coastal climate. In the winter season, this means from an area with no snow and temperatures above freezing the train may in a short time travel through a landscape of considerable lower temperatures and deep snow.
Landslide dangers/Landslide exposed lines For reasons of topography, parts of the railway network are exposed to landslides and avalanches. Landslides may be categorised as follows:
- Slides of rocks on the line (rockslide/rockfall).
- Water and ice expansion are the most commonly initiating effects and the phenomenon is most common during the rainy autumn season or during the spring season with changeable mild and cold weather. Rock may fall from the tunnel ceiling, especially in connection with frost expansion.
- Landslides of earth on the line (flood slides/earth slides).
- Earth slides are often triggered during bad weather conditions with large amounts of water, during large precipitation and/or during rapid snow melting.
- Movement/subsidence of the permanent way (clay and silt slides).
- Movement or subsidence of the substructure is occurring due to the lack of stability of the earth masses. This is often due to changing drainage conditions. Heavy rainfalls over a short period of time may result in slides of this type.
- Avalanches and ice slides
- When winds and precipitation result in heavy snow on steep hillsides, there are increasing possibilities of avalanches.
It is primarily in open landscapes without trees that avalanches occur. The railway lines passing through the mountainous regions are particularly exposed. The danger of avalanches is generally low in periods of stable, cold weather, but will rise with increasing winds, snowfalls and temperature. Water that freezes may result in considerable ice masses on steep mountains. When temperature rises during the spring season, such ice masses may fall onto the track.
The landslide/avalanche activities vary according to seasonal changes. Statistically, the landslide/avalanche activities are lowest in the summer. The danger of rock and earth slides increase during rainy periods in the autumn. However, the statistics show that landslide activities are greatest during snow melting periods in the spring. The snow melting period is characterised by continuous water flooding during the day combined with frost expansion during the night.
The railway lines which are particularly exposed to landslides/avalanches are the Bergensbanen line from Myrdal to Voss, and the Nordlandsbanen line from Grong to Bodø. More detailed description of landslide/avalanche exposed regions is given in the Bane NOR report “Description of landslide/avalanche exposed regions”, published 20.10.98.
Landslides/avalanches are considered a serious safety risk and it is a Bane NOR goal that the railway line must be free of landslides/avalanches at any time. In the most exposed regions, avalanche detection systems are installed. An overview is given in the [8], Annexe
Wild animals/Livestock
In the rural regions there are frequent incidents of collisions with animals on the tracks. This may during the summer season consist of livestock like sheep and cows, but primarily moose and reindeers and in particular during the winter season when snow is deep and the animals are tempted by cleared tracks and vegetation close to the line. The frequency of collisions is particularly high on certain railway lines. During 2001; 819 moose and 319 reindeers were killed on Norwegian routes.
Typical weight of an adult moose is 300-600 kg.
Lightning may occur throughout the country, primarily in the summer season. The intensity is highest in Agder, Telemark and the Eastern region. During the winter season, lightning may occur along the coast from Lindesnes to Finnmark in connection with arrival of cold air above warm sea.
Seismic activities
Most earthquakes in Norway occur along the coast and around the Oslo field. About five earthquakes are monitored every year, and mostly measured to below 3 on the Richter scale. Earthquakes, strength below 3 on the Richter scale are not considered detectable by human beings. Earthquakes, strength above 3 on the Richter scale are very rare in Norway. Damage on rolling stock due to earthquakes has not been recorded in Norway.
The salinity content of the air is highest in the coastal regions. In periods of storm and coastal winds, the salinity content of the air may increase, and it is known that salt on the permanent way in these regions may result in shorts on the track circuits.
There is generally little dust in the air along Norwegian railway tracks. Ballast chips are used as ballast and this release little dust. However, some dust may arise during a short period when ballast is fresh and newly deposited.
The nominal size of ballast chips is 25 to 63 mm on the main track.
In the summer season there are periods with considerable amount of insects in the air. The intensity is greatest in June/July. In late summer on certain routes there are considerable amount of seeds from plants in the air. During the season of falling leaves in the fall, there is considerable amount of leaves blowing on to the permanent way. This may result in slippery tracks, which may reduce the ability of heavy trains to climb gradients, and makes it difficult to restart after stopping. Reference is made to Network Statement, Annex showing an overview of gradients. Improved adhesion is achieved using sanding equipment on the locomotives.
Bane NOR flush the tracks by means of water on the most exposed routes.
Sand as part of the landscape is in Norway mainly covered by vegetation. Therefore sand is not regarded as a problem to the railway operations in Norway.
Impact of the environment on the vehicle
Environmental conditions impacting on the vehicle
Norway is a hilly/mountainous country and altitude varies considerably on Norwegian railway lines. Most railway lines are classified as A2 in accordance with EN 50125-1, i.e. as high as 1000m. above sea level. The Bergen Line has a long stretch where altitude is more than 1000m. This defines parts of the Bergen Line in class A1 (as high as 1400m) in accordance with EN 50125-1.
Norway is a country with large temperature variations throughout the year. Norwegian railway lines extend from regions with typical maritime climate with moderate differences between winter and summer temperatures to inland regions with cold winters and periods of high summer temperature. This is where we measure high and low temperature records of the country. In some of these regions, the temperature can be expected to go below -40 degree C and as high as 35 degrees C in the summer. This defines Norwegian railway lines in class T2 (from -40 to +35 degrees C.) according to EN 50125-1.
In appendix 6a is shown where and which months low temperatures in intervals of t < -25 C, t < -30 C and t < -35 C most probably will exist along railway lines in Norway. The overview is based on meteorological data collected from 20 monitoring stations in the vicinity of the railway line.
Humidity of free air along the Norwegian railway lines is probably within the norms/guidelines in EN 50125-1 Chap. 4.4, a yearly average of less than 75% relative humidity, 30 days throughout the year between 75% and 95% relative humidity and certain days between 95% and 100% relative humidity.
It should be noted that the maximum absolute humidity in tunnels of 30g/m3 in accordance with this standard, never will be reached since air temperatures in Norwegian tunnels will not reach such high values.
In long Norwegian tunnels, the combination of high relative humidity and low temperatures outside the tunnel during the winter may result in condensation/frost on the cold surfaces of the train when it enters the tunnel. However, temperature gradients of more than 3 degree K/s and temperature variations of more than 40 degree K, ref. EN 50125-1, hardly occur.
The yearly precipitation shown large geographical variation. In coastal areas in the west and the north there are more than 2000 mm rain during the year, in many places. However, the rain intensity in those areas is not as high as experienced inland during the summer. A rain intensity of 6mm/min. as mentioned in the EN 50125-1, p. 4.6, is relevant for Norwegian situations, as a maximum.
Snow, ice and hail
In the winter season, precipitation is in the form of snow in all parts of the country. However, there exist large geographical snow variations and variation of snow covered periods. In the southern and westerly coastal areas, snow is normally infrequent and the snow covered periods are normally not continuous throughout the winter season. Inland areas, where temperatures are low, there are normally moderate snow, while the snow covered period is long. In high mountain passes there are considerable amounts of snow and the snow arrive early and last until late spring. In addition there are considerable wind on these routes, which result in hard packed snow.
Snow consistence
Fresh snow is fine grained, with low specific weight. It is lower at lower temperatures. Typical specific weight of fresh snow is 0,1 g/cm3. Later on, the grain size and the specific weight increase. This process accelerates with higher temperatures. Old, wet snow may have a specific weight of 0,8-0,9 g/cm3. Strong winds result in drifting snow. The snow grains are ground and the snow is more tightly packed, resulting in increased specific weight. During this process the snow crystals freeze, resulting in very compact snowdrifts.
Fresh snow is easily blown by passing trains and may stick to the running gear and under floor equipment of the wagons and the locomotive. During these conditions considerable amounts of snow can be attached to the bogies and, as a possible consequence, resulting in blocking of springs and reduced brake efficiency.
Wet or frozen snow will not be blown during train passage like fresh fine grained snow does.
In this connection it must be noted that snowdrifts of high density and very special consistence may occur on the Jærbanen line. Heavy snow mixed with sand and salt from the sea, may result in very compact snowdrifts. As a consequence derailing have occurred.
Snow in Norway will cover all categories mentioned above.
Snow removal
Railways in Norway have long tradition with snowploughs on locomotives and train sets. It is expected that the trains to a great extent clears the snow off the track.
On station- and shunting areas Bane NOR removes the snow according to specified procedures. Also on open line Bane NOR clears the tracks when needed during heavy snowfall. However, it may take some time to clear the snow and for this reason snow depth may at times be considerable greater than the limit that initiates snow removal. High mountain routes may in a few cases be closed due to deep snow and strong winds.
In accordance with the local variations in winter temperatures, the yearly amount of frost vary from almost an insignificant level at certain places to (- 35000 – 40000) h degree C in inland regions. This results in frost in the ground. Uneven subsistence/upheavals (frost upheaval) of the track may result in more track faults than normal, in periods with lengthy frost in places with insufficient frost prevention.
Solar radiation
The radiation from the sun is in Norway never higher than 1120 W/m2. This is the specified value in accordance with EN 50125-1 p. 4.9. The daily duration of sun radiation is longer than 8 hours (specified in the above EN) in the middle of the summer, in many regions of Norway.
Chemical and particulate matter
Aerodynamic effects on the vehicle
Crosswind effects
As guidelines of maximum wind speeds in Norway, EN 50125-1 chap. 4.5.1 is appropriate. A maximum wind speed of 35 m/s is possible, 50 m/s in exceptional cases.
Generally the highest wind speeds occur in open areas near the sea and on the high mountain routes.
Confer NS 3491-4 Table A.1 that shows an overview of reference wind speeds in Norwegian Counties. The reference wind speed is defined as the average wind speed in 10 minutes, 10 m. above an assumed flat landscape according to terrain category II (defined in the standard) in a wide area. According to the table, the reference wind speed vary between 22 and 31 m/s.
Maximum pressure variation in tunnels
Impact of the vehicle on the environment
Exhaust emissions
Toilet emissions
Exhaust gas emissions
Chemical and particulate emission
Limits for noise emissions
Stationary noise impact
Starting noise impact
Pass-by noise impact
Limits for aerodynamic loads impact
Head pressure pulses
Aerodynamic impact on passengers/materials on the platform
Aerodynamic impact on track workers
Ballast pick-up and projection onto neighbouring property
External warning, marking functions and software integrity requirements
Visual and audible vehicle identification and warning functions
Vehicle marking
External lights
Marker lights
Tail lights
Lamp controls
Warning horn
Onboard power supply and control systems
Traction power supply
For information about and requirements to rolling stock regarding traction power supply, see common Norwegian-Swedish document NES TS02 Appendix d Requirements on rolling stock in Norway and Sweden regarding EMC with the electrical infrastructure and coordination with the power supply and other vehicles in appendix d. This document also includes requirements regarding verification and documentation.
Appendix 4.a is a form that may be used for collection of required input data for power system studies and simulations.
Train pre-heating installations
Bane NOR offers three different systems for connecting rolling stock to stationary pre-heating facilities.
For information about and requirements to rolling stock regarding train pre-heating installations, see common Norwegian-Swedish document NES TS02 Appendix d Requirements on rolling stock in Norway and Sweden regarding EMC with the electrical infrastructure and coordination with the power supply and other vehicles in appendix d particularly section 4.3.14 "P14: Train pre-heating systems". This document also includes requirements regarding verification and documentation.
For more information about the systems and geographic location of connection points see Network Statement section
For information about and requirements to rolling stock regarding catenary, see appendix e, Appendix e Approval of new trains. Pantographs and pantograph-overhead contact line interaction, are also in force. Appendix e also includes requirements regarding verification and documentation.
- Appendix a Required vehicle information for power system studies and simulations
- Appendix b Examples of converter unit response to changes in the catenary load
- Appendix c Description of simulation model
- Appendix d Requirements on rolling stock in Norway and Sweden regarding EMC with the electrical infrastructure and coordination with the power supply and other vehicles
- Appendix e Approval of new trains. Pantographs and pantograph-overhead contact line interaction
- Appendix f Guidelines on vehicle protection against electrical hazards to third party climbing
Traction performance requirements
As a temporarily solution supplementary information and regulation for power supply is found in Appendix d Requirements on rolling stock in Norway and Sweden regarding EMC with the electrical infrastructure and coordination with the power supply and other vehicles. The specification includes information about the different chapters below in this section together with guidelines for testing of the different requirements. For #Harmonic characteristics and related over-voltages on the overhead contact line the specification contains the requirements as a part of the compatibility prosess. For the other chapters, the valid requirements are found in the Annex to the Railway Vehicle Regulations.
Power supply
Voltage and frequency of overhead contact line power supply
Energy recuperation
Information about classification of railway lines regarding energy recuperation (regenerative braking) is given in [9] Annex 1 Chapter
Maximum power and maximum current that is permissible to draw from the overhead contact line
Information about classification of railway lines regarding maximum current that is permissible to draw from the overhead contact line is given in [10] Annex 1 Chapter
Power factor
<xr id="fig:capacitiveimpact" /> shows the impact on the line voltage power factors within the tolerances of NEK EN 50388:2012 Annex E in traction has for the following cases:
- A train consuming 450 A when moving from 0 to 60 km on a single-side fed line.
- A train consuming 700 A when moving from 0 to 80 km on a double-side fed line of 80 km.
Specific line impedance is (0.21+j0.21) [Ohm/km] and voltage sources are assumed to have 16500 V output voltage and equal voltage phase angle. Reduction of maximum current as function of low line voltage is not taken into account.
<figure id="fig:capacitiveimpact">
NEK EN 50388:2012 Annex E Note 2 states that even if the inductive power factor is allowed to decrease feely according to NEK EN 50388:2012 Clause 6 in order to keep the voltage within limits, it is desired that the power factor is not inductive (below 0.95) when the voltage goes below normal feeding voltage. Normal feeding voltage in Norway is 16.5 kV. If this recommendation is not followed, the increased power system losses due to reactive power flow may be charged the to railway undertaker.
System energy disturbances
The following requirements are still valid as a part of the compatibility study to be performed:
- P3: Line voltage distortion (Appendix D Chapter
- P8: Low frequency power oscillations (Appendix D Chapter
- P9: Electrical resonance stability (Appendix D Chapter
- P10: Current harmonics (Appendix D Chapter
Effects of DC content in AC supply
Electrical protection
Energizing of the network is performed with line test via test resistor or an electronic device as described in NEK EN 50388:2012 Clause 11.3.2.
Pantograph functional and design parameters
Pantograph overall design
Pantograph head geometry
See Chapter 8 Onboard power supply and control systems, Appendix e.
Pantograph contact force (including dynamic behaviour and aerodynamic effects)
Working range of pantographs
Current capacity including contact strips
Arrangement of pantographs
Insulation of pantograph from the vehicle
Pantograph lowering
Running through phase separation sections
Neutral sections (A.C. phase separation sections) are arranged at:
- most feeding points/stations – normally unenergized and floating
- most switching posts – normally unenergized and floating
- all coupling posts – normally energized if network is interconnected, otherwise unenergized and floating
- all series capacitances – normally unenergized and floating, (series capacitances exists only in Norway)
Temporarily sectioning of overhead contact line network is necessary in order to do maintenance and is consequently a frequent mode of operation. In case of short circuit in a railway line, or special operation of the utility grid, sectioning of the network is also used.
Infrastructure is not equipped with automatic information about neutral sections. Information about the state of the neutral sections is given to driver by optical signals along the line, see Togframføringsforskriften §9-35 and Togframføringsforskriften §9-36. Manual on board operation is hence permitted.
Contact strip functional and design parameters
Contact strip geometry
See Network statement, Annex [11] Electrified Line.
Contact strip material
Contact strip assessment
Detection of contact strip breakage
Electrical power supply and traction system
Energy consumption measurement
For vehicles that will operate in several geographical price and/or network areas on the national rail network, the energy measurement system shall be equipped with a location function according to TSI LOC&PAS Requirement for energy measurement(in Norwegian). Specifications regarding ordering and requirements for Railway Undertakings installing Energy Measuring Equipment
Alternatively will Bane NOR charge the energy based on key figures of consumption and regeneration per gross tonn kilometer according to Bane NORs standardvilkår for avregning av 16 2/3 Hz energi.
Requirement for electrical installation on-board of a railway vehicle
High voltage components
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic compatibility within the onboard electrical power supply and control system
Electromagnetic compatibility with other vehicles and with the trackside part of the railway system
Trains have to comply with the requirements in ERA/ERTMS/033281.
Track circuits
TS 50238-2 applies.
Train detection based on track circuits of the following types:
- Conventional
- Insulated rail joints
- Frequency 95/105 Hz
- DC track circuits
- Insulated rail joints
- Jointless track circuit separation
- Frequency 4,7 – 16,5 kHz
- TI 21 (EBI Track 200)
- Jointless track circuit separation
- Frequency 1,5 – 2,6 kHz
Maximum Electro-Magneticfields/Induced voltage
Maximum Electro-Magneticfields/Induced voltage in the track/under the vehicle
Maximum Electro-Magneticfields/Induced voltage outside the track
Vehicle entrance impedance
Psophometric current
Transverse voltage limits for compatibility voice/data circuits
Axle counter systems
TS 50238-3 applies.
Types of axle counter systems listed in TS 50238-3, Annex A which are currently used in Norway:
- ZP 30 H
- Zp 30 K
- ZP D 43
- ELS-95
Further axle counter systems are expected to be installed. These may be of other types.
Electromagnetic compatibility with the environment
Maximum Electro-Magnetic Fields
Induced interference current voltage
Psophometric current
Protection against electrical hazards including earthing
Storaging (parking or stabling) is a service facility offered by Bane NOR. This offer is affected by the electrical safety risk related third party's climbing and approaching live high-voltage parts. Storaging is therefore allowed under the following conditions:
- Non-electrified tracks without overhead contact line
- Electrified tracks with unenergized overhead contact line
- Electrified tracks with energized overhead contact line protected by a surrounding fence
- Electrified tracks with energized overhead contact line with continuous supervision
- Electrified tracks with energized overhead contact line for vehicles where it is considered difficult to approach within the electrical clearance of the high-voltage live parts. Informative appendix f gives guidelines on how to consider sufficient electrical safety for third party's climbing on vehicles.
Diesel and other thermal traction system requirements
Systems requiring special monitoring and protection measures
Tanks and pipe systems for flammable liquids
Pressure vessel systems/pressure equipment
Steam boiler installations
Technical systems in potentially explosive atmospheres
Hydraulic/pneumatic supply and control systems
Staff facilities, interfaces and environment
Driver’s cab design
Cab design
Access to driver’s cab
Access, egress and doors
Driver’s cab emergency exits
Windscreen in driver’s cab
Mechanical characteristics
Optical characteristics
Front visibility
Desk ergonomics
Driver's seat
Health and safety
Environmental conditions
Heating, ventilation and air condition systems in driver cabs
Noise in driver cabs
Lighting in driver cabs
Other Health and safety requirements
Driver/machine interface
Speed indication
Driver display unit and screens
Controls and indicators
Driver supervision
Rear and side view
Marking and labelling in driver cabs
Equipment and other facilities onboard for staff
Facilities onboard for staff
Staff access for coupling/uncoupling
External steps and handrails for shunting staff
Storage facilities for use by staff
Staff and freight access doors
Onboard tools and portable equipment
Audible communication system
Recording device
Remotecontrol function from the ground
Fire safety and evacuation
Fire protection concept and protection measures
Passenger emergency exits
Rescue services’ information, equipment and access
Passenger alarm
Emergency lighting
Emergency running capabillities
Train cleaning facilities
Train maintenance and service facilities
Waste water disposal systems
Water supply system
Further supply facilities
Interface to refuelling equipment for non-electric rolling stock
Onboard control command and signalling
Information concerning use of GSM-R is available in Norwegian on the web-site, menu choices “Marked” and then “GSM-R mobiltjenester”. Some of the information is also available in English. Menu choices “English” and then “Market” and finally “GSM-R mobile services”.
Operational communication systems
TTS system
The train telegram system (TTS) is an electronic messaging system that is used to transmit particular messages for the train operations, i.e. message about delays, cancellations, extra trains, line breaks or power cuts, track work etc. The system is constructed according to the CCITT X.400 recommendations, with some adaptations to Bane NOR’s requirements. Due to these adaptations the TTS-system cannot exchange messages with external users.
The TTS-system may convey orders that apply to the train operations, but it will not be able to control the local interlocking systems. The TTS-system is defined as a secondary safety system. The TTS-system has not been safety validated.
The TTS-system requires no installation on the rolling stock, but rolling stock shall be constructed in such a way that disembarking and embarking along the line and on platforms is possible for drivers. 4.2 Shunting radio The STR-network (shunting radio) is mainly designed for shunting personnel who work within the area of a railway station.
Communications are initiated on the main channel between the driver and the operational panel in the railway station via a duplex connection. The Shunting personnel have portable radios that permit half duplex transmit-receive connection.
All type of radio telephones and ATC that are installed in vehicles, shall comply with the existing requirements that The Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority specify for such equipment to be used in Norway. The equipment shall comply with EMC-directive (89/336/EØF) and must be CE-marked. Rolling stock is assumed in accordance with EN 50121. Deviations may upon closer evaluation be acceptable in certain cases. Compliance with EN 50121 is the basis for new constructions and up grading of the infrastructure.
When new rolling stock shall be tested and approved, telecommunication personnel must be present to verify possible interference on the Bane NOR telecommunication systems.
Psophometric electrical noise in the contact wire, generated by a train, shall not exceed 1,5A.
Onboard radio system
Non-GSM-R radio system
GSM-R compliant radio system
Use of hand portables as cab mobile radio
Other GSM-R requirements
Onboard signalling
National onboard signalling systems
The national class B system is Ebicab 700.
Documentation requirements of ATC - installation on rolling stock
To be documented for each installation:
- Version of system/software approved by system manufacturer
- Installation performed by workshop approved by system manufacturer
- Correct version of system manufacturer’s components used
- Installation documentation plan corresponding with manufacturer’s installation manual.
- List of persons approved by system manufacturer to:
- Approve installation documentation plan
- Install the system
- Control/approve the installation
- Installation test protocol signed by person approved by system manufacturer
- Risk analyses of changes (if relevant) with regards to ATC’s influence on the basic safety functions of rolling stock.
- Result from operational test performed in accordance with JBV’s (Bane NOR’s) test protocol and signed by person approved by system supplier.
Requirements for STM
Requirements in the documents STM FRS and STM general technical requirements specification are the national requirements for the equipment in order to facilitate compatibility between Class A equipment and existing installation of class B.
The documents are available here.
The STM equipment supplier shall implement the functions specified in the STM requirements and perform verification and validation of the STM according to CENELEC EN 50126. In addition, relevance of operational needs and safety in the Norwegian Class B railway network must be verified with risk analysis.
Testing of a STM Generic Product on Norwegian ATC Class B Infrastructure
Before a STM generic product (GP) can be accepted and approved for use on the Class B railway infrastructure in Norway by the National Safety Authority (Statens jernbanetilsynet (SJT)), a successful compatibility test of a STM GP shall be performed on Norwegian ATC Infrastructure. Any later release/version of a STM that in an earlier version was approved for use on Norwegian ATC Infrastructure shall go through a new approval process with SJT as well as undergo compatibility testing.
The applicant shall develop a test plan, test procedures and carry out compatibility testing of the STM on Norwegian Class B ATC infrastructure. The test plan shall specify which sections of the Norwegian railway infrastructure that the compatibility testing shall be carried out on as well as describe safety provisions for the testing. The railway lines used for testing shall include all configurations of balises, both DATC and FATC, found in the Norwegian Class B ATC infrastructure. These configurations are described in Signal/Prosjektering/ATC.
The applicant shall create a test report with the results of the STM- ATC infrastructure compatibility testing. The test report shall include observations, indications displayed on the DMI, and possible failures and discrepancies observed during the compatibility testing. If failures or discrepancies are detected, the compatibility testing shall be repeated after the STM is modified or repaired.
Testing of a STM Specific Product for a type of Rolling Stock
First time installation of approved ETCS/STM equipment in rolling stock (specific application) shall be installed and tested according to a process and description developed by the supplier.
Testing of a STM Specific Product for other individuals of a type of Rolling Stock
Further installations of the approved ETCS/STM equipment in rolling stock of the same type shall be verified and validated according to a process and description developed by the equipment supplier. The results of the testing shall confirm that each rolling stock individual has identical properties to the first individual of a rolling stock type already approved for a STM specific application installation.
See Chapter 12.2.1 above.
Compatibility of rolling stock with CCS-Trackside
Relation between axle distance and wheel diameter
Minimum wheel diameter
Metal and inductive components free space around wheels
Metal mass of a veichle
Compatibility between CCS-railway infrastructure
Process describing how compatibility of ETCS/STM equipment may be verified
ETCS cab signalling system
Level crossing functionality
Braking safety margins
Reliability — Availability — Safety requirements
Safety requirements
Ergonomic aspects of the DMI
Interface with service brake
Specification of ETCS variables
Spesification of condition of use where ETCS onboard does not implement all functions, interfaces and performance
Specific operational requirements
Specific items to place onboard
Ferry transport
Lifting diagram and instructions for rescue
NNRA obligation to re-establish normal traffic
Extract from (in English): Regulations on the Allocation of Railway Infrastructure Capacity and the Levying of Charges for the Use of the National Railway Network (Allocation Regulations)
“Section 9-2 Special measures in the event of disturbance
In the event of disturbance to train movements caused by technical failure or accident, the infrastructure manager must take all necessary steps to restore the normal situation. In an emergency and if absolutely necessary on account of a breakdown, the infrastructure manager may require the party who has been allocated infrastructure capacity to make available to him the resources which he considers are the most appropriate to restore the normal situation as soon as possible.”
Preconditions for rolling stock
In order prepare for an efficient line clearance activity Bane NOR assumes rolling stock to comply with the specification below unless another specification is agreed with Bane NOR in advance.
Possibility of connection to another rolling stock
Bane NOR assumes that:
- rolling stock in random end can be connected to another vehicle equipped with standard UIC coupling and haul or be hauled, as far as otherwise possible also push or be pushed, with the connection.
- all additional equipment necessary to do such a coupling in one random end shall always be available in the rolling stock.
- coupling to another rolling stock can be done relatively quickly at a random location without help from more than one person in addition to the normal staff on the train.
- the coupling with some margin for jerking has capacity for the maximum tractive effort of the rolling stock.
- at least one of the train crew have necessary skills to do the coupling, prepare vehicle for haulage and forward information about the vehicle relevant for the haulage or give information of where this information in English and/or Norwegian text is stored on the train.
It is also assumed as a general rule that the rolling stock has automatic UIC train brake which can be connected together with the mechanical coupling.
Dispensation from this requirement will depend on:
- probability and consequence of a technical problem when assessed together with the planned use (location, kind of activity and duration)
- whether the technical construction of the rolling stock and the coupling together with the described procedure make sufficiently safe hauling in order to clear the railway line possible.
Haulage without active brakes in the last vehicle of the train presupposes dispensation given by the traffic controller (confer the regulation Forskrift 4. desember 2001 nr. 1335).
Information necessary in order to plan line clearance activity
Necessary information in order to undertake track clearance activity as re-railing and hauling of rolling stock is assumed always to be available at the rolling stock either as labels on the vehicle(s) or as readily understandable manuals in each vehicle.
This requirement does not apply to information which is obvious or can be assumed to be common knowledge for those who do the specific tasks.
Rolling stock suitability as rescue vehicle
In order to prepare organising of line clearance activity Bane NOR collect relevant information during the initial compatibility study for each class of rolling stock.